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Cultivating Inclusion Goals Goal Unit of Measure FY20 FY21 FY22 About Our Performance in FY22 Each year through 2030, 90% of Percentage of employees who rate 93% 91% 88% In FY22, 88% of our employees rated their job as meaningful (measured in FY23). This represents a 3-percentage point decrease our employees will rate their job their job as meaningful compared to our FY21 performance. This could be partly attributed to our shift to measure employees’ sense of personal as meaningful accomplishment in their work, as we’ve seen this is a primary driver of energy and engagement. Other data from our annual engagement survey indicates employees believe in our overall purpose – 88% of employees said Dell Technologies is contributing to the world and driving human progress more than other companies, and 92% saw a clear link between their work and Dell Technologies’ 14 objectives. By 2030, 50% of our employees Percentage of employees 33% 44% 47% In FY22, 47% of employees participated in one or more ERG. This represents an annual addition of 3.0 percentage points toward our will participate in Employee participating in ERGs goal. We attribute this progress to our continued focus on our 2030 Cultivating Inclusion goals by Dell Technologies’ leadership and Resource Groups (ERGs) to team members, as well as extensive ERG efforts connecting and engaging team members during the pandemic, the expansion of ERGs into new regions, and cross-ERG collaborations on key events and initiatives. drive social impact Each year through 2030, 75% of Percentage of employees who 83% 83% 87% In FY22, 87% of our employees believed their leader was inspiring (measured in FY23). This represents a 4-percentage point increase our employees will believe their believe their leader is inspiring compared to our FY21 performance. Through a challenging past few years, our leaders still consistently inspire their team members. In leader is inspiring our annual engagement survey, two of our highest scoring questions were about our leaders – 93% of employees believed their leader has the skills, knowledge and experience to lead their team into the future, and 93% of employees said their leader cared about their 15 well-being, both personally and professionally. By 2030, 95% of our Percentage of employees 15% 33% 99% In FY22, 99.6% of our employees participated in annual foundational learning on topics related to inclusion. The 66.6 percentage point employees will participate in participating in annual foundational increase allowed us to surpass our goal of 95%. We attribute this increase to our launch of an innovative, new e-learning experience annual foundational learning learning titled Be the Change, available to all employees in various languages. Transitioning to a shorter, self-paced learning model enabled us to broadly scale our foundational learning program across the company. In addition, we provided leader resources to drive more inclusive on key topics, such as conversations between leaders and team members. unconscious bias, harassment, microaggression and privilege INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 32

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