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Transforming Lives Goals Goal Unit of Measure FY20 FY21 FY22 About Our Performance in FY22 MOONSHOT GOAL Total number of people reached 46,588,226 93,565,402 159,742,242 In FY22, an additional 66 million people were reached through health and education initiatives. With this, cumulatively, we have reached (cumulative) approximately 160 million people. The increase from the year prior (approximately 47 million people reached in FY21) is due to increased With our technology and 16 impact of our Digital LifeCare program and increased reach from our strategic giving nonprofit partners. scale, we will advance health and education through digital inclusion initiatives aimed at delivering enduring results for 1 billion people by 2030 Each year through 2030, 50% Percentage of people reached 51.7% 56.1% 59.3% In FY22, 59.3% of the people empowered by our social and education initiatives were girls, women or underrepresented groups. of the people empowered who identify as girls, women or This represents a 3.2 percentage point increase compared to the year prior. We attribute this increase to our strategic giving and by our social and education underrepresented groups Digital LifeCare programs reaching more people in FY22. The inclusion of DWEN metrics and other Employee Resource Group (ERG) initiatives offer more comprehensive demographic reach data than our other programs. In FY22, we updated this definition to reflect initiatives will be those who more inclusive wording.17 identify as girls, women or underrepresented groups 18 By 2030, we will use our Total number of nonprofit 11 77 222 In FY22, 146 nonprofits received support through Dell. Cumulatively, this addition marks 222 unique nonprofits supported toward our expertise and technology to help partners supported in their goal of 1,000 over a FY20–FY30 time period. This improvement over the year prior (65 nonprofits supported in FY21) is attributed to a 19 1,000 nonprofit partners digitally digital transformation journey significant increase in the reach of our Pro Bono Consulting Workshop program, which was rolled out globally in FY22. (cumulative) transform to better serve their communities Each year through 2030, 75% Percentage of employees 59% 51% 50% In FY22, 50% of our global Dell team members participated in giving or volunteering. This represents a loss of 1 percentage point from of our employees will participate participating in giving/volunteerism the year prior. We attribute this decrease to the continued negative impact that COVID-19 had on in-person volunteerism and multiple in giving or volunteerism in their Dell offices remaining closed throughout FY22. communities INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 33

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