GLOSSARY Energy efficiency: A method of reducing energy impacts on issues, such as climate change, human Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA): A Linear economy: Value created by Dell, measured consumption by using less energy to attain the rights and corruption. process for systematically identifying, predicting using indicators, such as revenue, pretax income same amount of useful output. Greenhouse gas (GHG): A gas that contributes and responding to the potential human rights and net income as disclosed within our annual Equity: Equity recognizes that each person has to climate change by absorbing radiation, e.g., impacts of a business operation, capital project, financial reports. different circumstances, and that appropriate carbon dioxide and methane. government policy or trade agreement. Materiality: “ESG materiality” references to resources and opportunities must be provided to Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A set of Human trafficking: A crime that involves information in this report should not be construed achieve equality. comprehensive global standardized frameworks exploiting a person for labor, services or as a characterization regarding the materiality Ethnicity: Large group of people classed to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions commercial sex. of such information to our business or financial according to common racial, national, tribal, from private and public sector operations and Ideation session: The creative process of results or for purposes of U.S. securities or other religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or value chains. generating, developing and communicating new applicable law. Any references in this report to background. Like race, ethnicity is a social ideas. “materiality” refer to such term in the context of construct, but it is a more inclusive term. High water stress locales: Geographic areas ESG reporting and strategy. where the demand for water exceeds the Inclusion: Refers to the practice of valuing Microaggression: A term used for brief and E-waste: Electronic products that are unwanted, available amount during a certain period or when organizational diversity and treating others with commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or not working, and nearing or at the end of their poor quality restricts its use. For determining respect regardless of backgrounds and opinions; environmental indignities, whether intentional useful life. water stress, we use the World Resources helping to create a safe environment where all or unintentional, that communicate hostile, Fiscal Year: Our fiscal year is the 52- or 53-week Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Baseline Water Stress individuals can be themselves. derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and period ending on the Friday nearest January 31. indicator. The areas considered to be water Internet of Things (IoT): The interconnection insults toward any group. We refer to our fiscal years ended Jan. 28, 2022; stressed are those that have indicator scores of via the internet of computing devices embedded Jan. 29, 2021; and Jan. 31, 2020; as “FY22,” high or extremely high. in everyday objects, enabling them to send and Minority-serving institutions (MSIs): U.S. “FY21” and “FY20,” respectively. Fiscal 2022, Historically Black colleges and universities receive data. higher education institutions that serve minority Fiscal 2021 and Fiscal 2020 included 52 weeks. (HBCUs): U.S. institutions of higher education populations. They include historically Black established before 1964 for the primary purpose Intersectionality: The complex, cumulative colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving Forced labor: All work or service that is exacted of educating Black Americans. way in which the effects of multiple forms of institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and from any person under the threat of a penalty discrimination (such as racism, sexism and Asian American and Native American Pacific and for which the person has not offered himself Human rights: The universal rights belonging classism) combine, overlap or intersect, especially Islanders-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI). or herself voluntarily. to all people simply because they are human. in the experiences of marginalized individuals or Moonshot goal: A bold, aggressive and/or Future-ready skills: Skills that are suitable and They are inherent to every person, regardless of groups. challenging goal. possibly required for new and emerging careers. nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, Latinx: A gender-neutral or nonbinary alternative religion, language, or any other status. to Latino or Latina. Net zero: A state in which the activities within Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): An the value chain of a company result in no net international independent standards organization LGBTQIA+: An acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, impact on the climate from greenhouse gas that helps businesses, governments and other transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, emissions. organizations understand and communicate their and asexual and/or ally. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 152