GLOSSARY Offset: A consideration or amount that diminishes Pulse survey: A short, quick survey administered Responsible Business Alliance (RBA): The Scope 3 emissions: Indirect greenhouse gas or balances the effect of a contrary one. Typically to employees on a regular basis (monthly, world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to emissions that are the result of activities and used in the context of greenhouse gases. quarterly, etc.), typically used to ascertain corporate social responsibility in global supply assets in the value chain that are not directly On-site renewable energy generation: The feedback regarding topics, such as employee chains. owned or controlled by the reporting organization. action of generating renewable energy at the satisfaction, job role, communication, relationships Responsible sourcing of minerals: The act Single-use plastics: Plastic items designed to be location where the energy is consumed. and work environment. of acquiring mineral materials where social, used once before being disposed of. Operational emissions: Greenhouse gas Racial bias: Implicit or explicit preference or economic and environmental factors are Social impact: The net effect of a company or emissions associated with the operations of a judgments based on racial or ethnic identity. considered and basic standards are upheld. activity on a community and the well-being of facility or company. Radiative forcing: A measure, as defined by the SASB: An international organization dedicated to individuals and families. Partners: Collaborators, customers or suppliers in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of standards and guidelines for corporate reporting Sponsorship: The function of a person who a company’s value chain. the influence a given climatic factor has on the on nonfinancial performance. supports, advises or helps another person. At Dell, amount of downward-directed radiant energy Science-based targets: Numerical performance we use this in the context of leaders who support People of color: A term primarily used in the U.S. impinging upon Earth’s surface. targets, typically related to water or greenhouse other team members in their career journey. to refer to people who are not white. Rare earth magnet: A strongly magnetic material gas emissions, that take into consideration Planetary boundaries: A concept developed by that includes rare earth elements. the latest knowledge regarding thresholds of Stakeholders: Parties with an interest or concern the Stockholm Resilience Centre that presents undesired outcomes and limits to the planetary in something, especially a business. a set of nine planetary boundaries within which Reclaimed carbon fiber: Carbon fiber that has carrying capacity. STEM: An acronym for science, technology, humanity can continue to develop and thrive for been captured for reuse from waste streams, engineering and mathematics. Most commonly generations to come. disposed-of products or other items. Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi): An used to collectively refer to educational programs Recycled materials: Material that has been international organization dedicated to ambitious or careers in these fields. Product life cycle: The cycle every product reprocessed from recovered material by means of climate action in the private sector by enabling goes through from introduction to withdrawal or a manufacturing process, (including agricultural companies to set science-based emissions Sub-tier suppliers: Third parties that provide eventual demise. Alternatively, it is the stepwise waste) often reformulated, and then made into a reduction targets. parts, materials and/or components related to consideration of all of the relevant steps in the final product or component. Scope 1 emissions: Direct greenhouse gas products directly to a company’s supplier. manufacturing (including the production of raw emissions from a company’s own activities, such Supplier social and environmental responsibility materials), packaging, distribution, usage and Renewable energy: Energy from a source that is as fuel combustion, leaks of refrigerant and the (SER): Refers to when a supplier is assigned or end-of-life disposal of a product. not depleted when used, such as wind or solar. use of greenhouse gases in industrial processes. acknowledges control or ownership of social and Product portfolio energy intensity goal: A Renewable materials: Dell considers a material Scope 2 emissions: Indirect greenhouse gas environmental impacts it may have. quantitative goal for the normalized average to be renewable if it can be replenished within emissions that are related to purchased energy. Supply chain: The collection of companies that energy demand of a portfolio of products. a reasonable time frame and its use does not Location-based emissions are calculated from provide materials or services to a company. endanger the material’s ability to be replenished. the regional energy grid, while market-based emissions align to the contracted source of the energy purchased. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 153