Ally: An ally actively supports and brings forward Climate refugees: Populations of people who Decarbonization: The reduction of carbon. Glossary awareness of members from a different social migrate or are displaced due, in part, to climate The term often refers to the conversion to an identity. change. economic system that sustainably reduces and These are terms you’ll find in this Allyship: The act of being an ally by championing Climate-related scenarios: Plausible future compensates the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO ). report, as well as the definitions equal opportunities for those from different physical, political or economic scenarios involving 2 we use within the context of the identities and bringing awareness to their unique the large-scale and complex nature of climate Digital deserts: Geographic areas where internet social impact programs at Dell experiences. change. or other connectivity is limited or nonexistent. Technologies. Bioplastics: Plastics that are derived from Closed loop: Materials that are reclaimed, Digital divide: The gulf between those who have nonpetroleum-based biological resources. returned to and reused for the production of the ready access to computers and the internet and Bioplastics can be derived from agricultural same type of product in which the material was those who do not. feedstocks, such as sugarcane, castor beans and first used. In Dell’s case this is material collected Digital inclusion: The ability of individuals and corn, and could be considered either renewable from any IT product (regardless of brand or take groups to access and use information and or recycled materials, depending on the source of back network) to be made into a new IT product. communication technologies. the feedstock. Bio-based material may or may not COe, or CO -equivalent: A term for describing also be biodegradable. 2 2 Digital literacy: The ability to use information and different greenhouse gases in a common unit. For communication technologies to find, evaluate, Capacity building: The process of developing any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO e 2 create and communicate information, requiring and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, signifies the amount of carbon dioxide (CO ) that 2 both cognitive and technical skills. processes and resources that organizations and would have the equivalent global warming impact. communities need to survive, adapt and thrive in COP26: The 26th U.N. Climate Change Diversity: The condition of being composed a fast-changing world. Conference of the Parties, held in Glasgow, of many different types of people, particularly Child labor: The use of children in industry or Scotland, on Nov. 1–12, 2021. a broad mix of genders, races, cultures, sexual business, especially when illegal or considered orientations, socioeconomic backgrounds and/or inhumane. DART (Days Away, Restricted or Transferred) abilities. rate: A measure of the severity of occupational Downstream: Refers to stages in a value chain Circular economy: An economic system based injuries. after the production of a product, where the on the principles of designing out waste and Data control process: The process of governing product is distributed, used or disposed of. pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and managing data. It is a common type of and regenerating natural systems. internal control designed to achieve data quality, Employee Net Promoter Score: Based on the Circularity: A description of an economic system governance and data management objectives. concept built around the Net Promoter Score or product development process that designs (NPS) to measure employee loyalty, it is a method out waste and pollution, keeping products of measuring how willing your employees are to and materials in use, and regenerating natural recommend their workplace to their family or systems. friends. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 151