BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN OUR SUPPLY CHAIN Driving engagement through In addition, workers who participate in audit open communication interviews are provided with information cards that include the helpline number and details as an The people in our supply chain are in a unique alternative way to provide anonymous feedback. position to provide insight on day-to-day factory Any allegations received through the helpline operations. This feedback is critical in helping us are investigated immediately and thoroughly validate supplier compliance with the Responsible by Dell. Methods to research allegations Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and include unannounced visits by our social and build greater context around issues and how they environmental responsibility (SER) specialists are being addressed. and/or third-party auditors. Depending on the Dell maintains a free phone helpline to ensure the nature of any findings, SER specialists will work people in our supply chain, as well as individuals with suppliers to develop corrective action plans and organizations representing them have a to address areas of nonconformance. In cases of reliable, confidential communications channel severe (priority and/or major) findings, suppliers through which to share concerns or suggestions. may be required to complete a third-party closure audit to resolve the issue. A third-party, nongovernmental organization with expertise in worker feedback channels manages the helpline on our behalf. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, supplier employees and contractors can access the helpline outside the workplace, reinforcing the confidentiality of their feedback. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 122

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