BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN OUR SUPPLY CHAIN CASE STUDY Helpline supports enforcement We also worked with the supplier to identify if and education any other female workers were experiencing similar issues. Dell addressed the situation by Dell is committed to acting on concerns raised providing the supplier with education and training in our supply chain. Last year, we received a materials about pregnant and nursing employee complaint via the helpline from an employee rights. We also asked the site to revise their of one of our suppliers in China. The caller policy and processes to implement protections expressed concern that her request for a transfer for female workers. to a different role was denied. The employee In addition to updating the policy and processes, noted that her transfer request was due to we collaborated with the supplier to create her pregnancy status and the desire for a less a checklist related to female worker rights. strenuous role. Using this checklist, the human resources team China has clear requirements regarding how can identify whether similar issues arise and employers treat pregnant and nursing workers, is empowered to act quickly to protect the including bans on pregnancy-based discrimination workplace rights of pregnant and in employment. These regulations stipulate that if nursing workers. a pregnant worker informs her employer that she As a result of the education and assistance our is not able to perform her usual job, those duties specialists provided, the pregnant employee’s must be modified. transfer request was approved, and she moved to Upon learning of this employee’s concern, a less physically demanding role. Dell’s social and environmental responsibility (SER) specialists began work with the supplier to address the health, safety and legal issues in this situation. As a first step, our specialists informed the supplier about Chinese pregnancy, confinement and nursing period laws. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 123