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Bettering the lives of people in our supply chain It takes hundreds of thousands of people 200 for final assembly factories and 160 out of around the world to make our products. We are 200 for other factory tiers), which align to high committed to partnering with our suppliers to performance based on the Responsible Business help protect human rights for all in our supply Alliance’s (RBA’s) Validated Assessment Program. chain. This includes treating all people with In our 2020 Supply Chain Sustainability respect and dignity, not tolerating forced labor Progress Report, we reported a target audit in any form and consistently providing safe attainment rate of 61.0%. In FY22, our social and working conditions. environmental responsibility (SER) specialists Our 2030 ESG plan demonstrates the focus Dell worked closely with suppliers to help identify places in these areas. Protecting human rights root causes of issues and drive improvement. and promoting the well-being of people in our Additionally, we engaged across our procurement supply chain are imperative. We have set specific organization and directly with suppliers’ senior goals to support our work in this area, including level leadership to emphasize SER expectations. providing safe and healthy work environments This resulted in a target audit attainment rate of where people can thrive; delivering future-ready 68.0%. skills development for employees in our supply The human rights due diligence efforts we chain; and engaging with the people who make undertake to assess and address actual or “The Responsible Business Alliance relies on member our products. potential risks to people in our supply chain are engagement to drive social and environmental To learn more about these efforts, please view being recognized. In our first-ever inclusion in responsibility in global supply chains. Our Responsible pages 57-60 of our FY22 ESG Report. this assessment, Dell was ranked number six out In FY22, we continued to face COVID-19 impacts of the 49 largest information communications Labor Initiative is an example where members like Dell and global supply chain issues head-on. Despite and technology companies (based on market Technologies are key in helping to promote due diligence these ongoing disruptions, Dell remained focused capitalization) in the 2020/2021 KnowTheChain on our work to champion the people in our supply supply chain responsibility benchmark. and protect the rights of workers vulnerable to forced chain. KnowTheChain is a coalition of nongovernmental labor.” organizations that use the U.N. Guiding Principles One area we made progress in is our suppliers’ on Business and Human Rights to evaluate ROB LEDERER target audit score attainment rate. Dell sets target technology companies’ actions and commitments CEO, RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS ALLIANCE audit scores for suppliers (at least 180 out of to responsibly produce products. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 115

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