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BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN OUR SUPPLY CHAIN Driving ethical recruitment Due diligence efforts in this area include practices conducting confidential interviews with supplier Fees returned, FY22 management, and separately with workers as It is important to us that people working in our part of regular audits. We also take immediate supply chain are treated fairly. In some cases, action to investigate any allegations related to individuals who migrate away from their home recruitment fees that are received through our countries for work are forced to pay for various helpline, media sources or nongovernmental aspects of their recruitment, including costs organization reports. related to labor agents who facilitate their If we learn that a supplier is not following hiring, obtaining visas or undergoing required recruitment fee practices as required by the RBA preemployment health exams. As a result, Code of Conduct, we: these workers may find themselves indebted to their employers or at risk of falling victim to • Educate the supplier on why such fees forced labor. are unacceptable. Dell does not tolerate forced labor of any kind • Coach the supplier on effective ways to return and abides by the Responsible Business Alliance withheld fees. For instance, if fees are returned (RBA) Code of Conduct, which prohibits our to affected workers through paychecks, it suppliers from charging recruitment fees to is important that nonaffected individuals their workers, even in locations where these understand why their pay does not change. practices are legal. Through our social and • Track the supplier’s remediation progress. $505,031 environmental responsibility (SER) specialists’ direct engagement with factories and our third- in fees returned to workers party audits, we work with supplier management and workers to identify and resolve potential issues around fees. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 116 FY22 ESG REPORT

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