2030 Cultivating Inclusion Goals % Each year through 2030, 75% of our 75 employees will believe their leader is inspiring* Being a leader who inspires means bringing a broad spectrum of skills, such as strategic thinking, listening, decision- making, problem-solving and motivating others to bring their best. In our 2019 Tell Dell employee opinion survey, 88% of respondents rated their leaders as “inspiring.” We are creating programs that we expect will inspire our leaders of the future. As one example, our new Diversity Leadership Accelerator Program (DLAP) is a coaching and sponsorship program designed — in partnership with experts at Simmons University and Tenshey, Inc.— to help high-performing people who identify as women advance their careers at Dell Technologies. Representation of women in the workplace declines at each progressing career stage; by advancing female senior professionals and midlevel managers, DLAP will help us build a more diverse leadership pipeline. *This goal’s metric is based on the average rating employee respondents gave their leaders during our annual, internal and optional employee opinion survey of Dell Technologies employees, excluding VMware, Secureworks and Pivotal. Explore Dell's most recent progress at DellTechnologies.com/ProgressMadeReal OUR SOCIAL IMPACT PLAN FOR 2030 / 24

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