Sustainability in our supply chain We partner with thousands of companies in our Adherence to our Supplier Principles is a condition pandemic and supply chain challenges to find new global supply chain to create technologies that of doing business with Dell. The Supplier ways to address issues and help maintain and drive human progress. Principles form the basis for our social and build SER capability. In recent years, global challenges have required environmental due diligence programs and include This update (previously shared in our standalone, new levels of resilience and innovation from Dell the following: annual Supply Chain Sustainability Progress Technologies and from our suppliers. Amid these • All applicable laws, regulations and purchasing Reports) presents a comprehensive view of the challenging times, our commitment to social and requirements. work we do to advance SER performance. One environmental due diligence has not changed. • Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct. other change — we are moving from calendar 44 year to fiscal year reporting. Beyond this, our Dell operates one of the largest social and • Dell Code of Conduct. FY22 Environmental, Social and Governance environmental responsibility (SER) assurance and • Dell Human Rights Policy. (ESG) Report captures our activities across our engagement programs in the technology sector. • Dell Responsible Sourcing Policy. entire value chain to drive positive impact for Through our SER initiatives, we proactively people and the planet. identify and mitigate issues throughout the tiers • Dell Statement Against Slavery and Human of our supply chain, including final assembly, Trafficking, compliant with the Australia Modern direct and sub-tier suppliers. Slavery Act, the U.K. Modern Slavery Act and We focus on the most salient human rights the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act. and environmental issues, using insights gained • Dell Vulnerable Worker Policy. “Our social and environmental responsibility through our own operations, collaboration • Relevant International Labour Organization programs enable us to sense risk in our supply with industry partners, and engagement (ILO) conventions, including the eight with stakeholders that empower us to drive fundamental conventions and conventions 1, chain and adjust as needed in an ever-changing responsible manufacturing practices and 102, 131, 155 and 170. world. This makes it possible for us to continue diversity and inclusion in our supply chain. Our • Relevant International Organization for collective insights underscore the need for strong Standardization (ISO) management systems. to advance each of our commitments to partnerships with our suppliers. • National Institute of Standards and Technology responsible operations: championing the people Our supplier expectations for responsible and (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. in our supply chain, protecting our planet and ethical business practices are informed by We work closely with our suppliers to help them building diversity among our supply base.” international standards, including the U.N. Guiding develop the necessary insight and capabilities Principles on Business and Human Rights, the to meet these requirements. Our supplier KEVIN BROWN U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the relationships and history of collaboration proved EXECUTIVE VP, CHIEF SUPPLY CHAIN OFFICER, DELL TECHNOLOGIES U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and critical as we worked together amid ongoing other relevant U.N. conventions. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 105 FY22 ESG REPORT