ESG GOVERNANCE Governance is foundational to our ESG strategy Knowing that Dell Technologies is managing relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is of increasing importance to our stakeholders. That is why we are committed to advancing these Board of initiatives across our company and integrating the measurement Directors and management of ESG topics into our strategic planning and operations. We understand that ESG is a business imperative, which is why we have formalized ESG as an organization within STRATEGIC E…ecuti e †eadership „eam RISK MANAGEMENT our company with governance extending to the very top. The OPERATIONS ESG organization has the opportunity to add long-term value, AND COMPLIANCE minimize risk, attract top talent and drive societal progress by: • Meeting expectations of stakeholders. ESG Steering ommittee Global isk  • Bringing transparency to and improving our ESG performance. ompliance ouncil • Governing ESG strategy, risks and performance. We have two governance bodies responsible for oversight of ESG ESG nterlock „eam Enterprise isk Steering ommittee issues at Dell: our ESG Steering Committee and ESG Interlock Team. Each has its own roles and responsibilities and mirrors and aligns with how we manage risk in the company. We have continued to evolve the responsibilities of these governance bodies to match our Global Global Global nformation Global ri acƒ Global growing ESG efforts and follow emerging trends. Sustainabilitƒ Di ersitƒ Gi ing Go ernance Steering ‡udit ouncil ouncil ouncil Steering ommittee ommittee Focus area-specific working groups, forums and Global E€ egional councils that enable progress to our ESG priorities ompliance ‚orking ontrols  (eg, limate, D Best ractices, egional Gi ing ouncils­ Forum Group ompliance e iews INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 11

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