BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN OUR SUPPLY CHAIN Helping ensure safe use of the industry to identify priority chemicals that chemicals could pose a high risk of harmful impacts. Our ongoing involvement with CEPN includes active Our work with suppliers to improve health participation in the Worker Engagement and and safety in the workplace includes taking Process Chemical Reporting workgroups. These action on the use of process chemicals. We are efforts helped drive the development of the reducing exposure to potentially harmful process Toward Zero Exposure program, of which Dell chemicals through our Chemical Use Policy. We is a signatory. have also developed Guidelines for Management The Toward Zero Exposure program: of Manufacturing Process Chemicals to help suppliers implement best practices for managing • Creates a road map for process chemical chemicals that pose risks for the environment management informed by suppliers, or health. In addition, we survey key suppliers nongovernmental organizations and subject to understand and monitor chemical use in our matter experts. supply chain. For example, in FY22, we asked • Supports companies in assessing use of process our suppliers about their understanding of our chemicals, strengthening the culture of worker policy. Through further engagement regarding safety and engagement, reducing worker the survey results, we discovered two sites exposure to identified priority chemicals, and were each using one banned chemical in a substituting them with safer alternatives. support area outside of the primary production • Measures and reports outcomes, expands area. While each site followed the hierarchy the impact and reaches into deeper supply of controls and provided appropriate personal chain tiers. protective equipment, we engaged their chemical management staff to offer safer alternatives, which are currently being assessed. Dell also collaborates with the Clean Electronics Production Network (CEPN) to further industry efforts to protect people in our supply chain from potentially harmful process chemicals. CEPN brings together stakeholders from across INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 120 FY22 ESG REPORT