COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS We respect and support the internationally recognized human rights of all people At Dell Technologies, upholding and Our approach advancing respect for the fundamental We believe everyone deserves to be treated human rights of all people is core to equally with dignity and respect, and we are our business strategy, purpose, and committed to responsible, ethical, inclusive commitment to drive human progress and and sustainable business practices. These create a positive and lasting social impact. commitments are embedded in the Dell Human Rights Policy, which reflects our global commitment to respect the rights of all our stakeholders, including Dell team members, our suppliers, our contractors and subcontractors at We strive to align our approach and actions to any tier, partners, resellers, and others impacted fulfill this commitment with the United Nations by our value chain. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Principles of the United Nations In FY22 we updated the Dell Human Rights Policy Global Compact, to which Dell is a signatory. to further reinforce and clarify alignment with We are committed to making certain we are not expectations of the U.N. Guiding Principles. To complicit in human rights violations, and we hold implement our commitment to respect human our suppliers and other business partners to this rights, we have also formalized and embedded same standard. other policies, human rights due diligence and governance protocols throughout our business. These are addressed in the Dell Human Rights Policy and also referenced throughout this report. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 19