GOALS METHODOLOGY Cultivating Inclusion By 2030, 50% of our global workforce and 40% of our global people leaders will identify as women Each year through 2030, 90% of our employees will rate their job as meaningful Metric: By 2030, 50% of our global workforce will be those who identify as women Methodology: Data for the reporting year is collected in the following year (e.g., FY22 is collected Methodology: Applies to our global workforce. The scope includes the percentage of individuals who self- and measured in FY23), since this optional survey asks employees to consider their previous year of identified as women. employment. This goal’s metric is based on the percent of favorable responses received for the survey query, “my work gives me a sense of personal accomplishment” during our annual, internal and optional Metric: By 2030, 40% of our global people leaders will be those who identify as women employee opinion survey of Dell Technologies full- and part-time employees. Methodology: Applies to our global workforce. The scope includes the percentage of individuals who self- By 2030, 50% of our employees will participate in Employee Resource Groups to drive social impact identified as women who are people leaders. Methodology: Currently, we report participation in Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) as the count of By 2030, 25% of our U.S. workforce and 15% of our U.S. people leaders will be those who identify as employees signed up for any of our 13 ERGs divided by the total employee population in scope. Black/African American or Hispanic/Latino Metric: By 2030, 25% of our U.S. workforce will be those who identify as Black/African American Each year through 2030, 75% of our employees will believe their leader is inspiring or Hispanic/Latino Methodology: Data for the reporting year is collected in the following year (e.g., FY22 is collected Methodology: Applies to our U.S. workforce. The scope includes the percentage of individuals who self- and measured in FY23), since this optional survey asks employees to consider their previous year of identified as Black/African American or Hispanic/Latino. employment. This goal’s metric is based on the percent of favorable responses received for the survey query, “my leader inspires me” during our annual, internal and optional employee opinion survey of Dell Metric: By 2030, 15% of our U.S. people leaders will be those who identify as Black/African Technologies full- and part-time employees. American or Hispanic/Latino Methodology: Applies to our U.S. workforce. The scope includes the percentage of individuals who self- By 2030, 95% of our employees will participate in annual foundational learning on key topics such as identified as Black/African American or Hispanic/Latino who are people leaders. unconscious bias, harassment, microaggression and privilege Methodology: This measurement is based on the percentage of Dell global employees who have completed Be the Change, which provides self-guided, on-demand foundational learning experiences regarding unconscious bias, intersectionality, in-groups and out-groups, equity, and microaggressions. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 39