TRANSFORMING LIVES Metrics FY20 FY21 FY22 Notes Percentage of employees volunteering 59% 51% 50% We attribute the decrease to the continued negative impact that COVID-19 had on in-person volunteerism and multiple Dell offices remaining closed throughout FY22. Total volunteer hours (in thousands) 914 516 709 Total number of people reached (cumulative, FY20 to current 46,588,226 93,565,402 159,742,242 Our “1 Billion Lives” goal tracks the number of people who are reached through our health and education initiatives. Due to the vast reporting FY) geographical spread of data and limited capacity of partners to verify data at the granularity of each beneficiary, our direct and indirect impact metrics are not a unique representation of lives impacted. Going forward we will be tracking unique representation for our direct impact. Indirect impact will still remain as a metric that will not be tracked uniquely due to the nature of the community outreach, and this is in line with common measurement and evaluation practices across the industry. Total contributions (in millions of U.S. dollars) $51.6 $49.9 $60.9 This metric represents total cash as well as in-kind products and services contributions, valued at fair market value for the respective fiscal year. This value does not include contributions from employees, vendors or customers. Percentage of people reached who identify as girls, women 51.7% 56.1% 59.3% Percentage of individuals who voluntarily identify as girls, women or members of underrepresented groups within the total number of or underrepresented groups empowered by our social and individuals reached as reported in the “1 Billion Lives” goal. education programs “Girls” and “women” are individuals who self–identify as female. The term underrepresented includes but is not limited to the following groups: girls or women, racial/ethnic minorities, beneficiaries requiring an accommodation (mental, physical, sensory, cognitive and neurodiverse disability), LGBTQIA+ persons, low socioeconomic groups. Total number of nonprofit partners supported in their digital 11 76 222 Currently, this measurement covers the number of nonproft organizations that have participated in a Tech Pro Bono program. We are transformation journey (cumulative) developing measurements to include nonprofits that are supported through other Dell efforts, including direct business unit giving and those organizations that benefit from organic, skill-based employee volunteering. Dell Technologies has invested in the development of a Digital Assessment Tool that is now available to nonprofits globally. This tool allows nonprofits to measure and determine their current digital transformation priorities and helps them track their progress over time. The Digital Assessment Tool was developed by TechSoup, a third-party provider. The number of nonprofits reached in FY21 was previously overrreported by one. After accounting for a repeat workshop participant, the number of nonprofit partners supported through our Tech Pro Bono programs in FY21 was 65. With this adjustment, the cumulative total in FY21 was 76 and in FY22 is 222 nonprofits supported on their digital transformation journeys to date. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 147

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