SUPPLY CHAIN — AUDIT RESULTS Key Results are based on audits of 317 P Priority Findings factories. When an issue is identified, we Employee health and safety work with the factory to correct it. M Major Findings At the end of FY22, 90% of priority 61 and 69% of priority and major findings Percentage of audited factories in compliance, with breakdown of major and priority findings of noncompliance according to supply chain tier (cumulatively) had been closed. 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 95%95%95%95%95%95%95%95% 95%95%95%95%95%95%95%95% 95%95%95%95%95%95%95%95% 100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2100% in 2000000002222222200000000 100% in 100% in 100% in 100% in 100% in 100% in 100% in 100% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 91%91%91%91%91%91%91%91% 95% in 95% in 95% in 95% in 95% in 95% in 95% in 95% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 95% in 295% in 295% in 295% in 295% in 295% in 295% in 295% in 2000000002222222200000000 89% in 89% in 89% in 89% in 89% in 89% in 89% in 89% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 88% in 88% in 88% in 88% in 88% in 88% in 88% in 88% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 84%84%84%84%84%84%84%84% 80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80% 777777776% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 777777776% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 6% in 20202020202020202020202020202020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 22222222 00000000 33333333 00000000 11111111 Dell & FinalDell & FinalDell & FinalDell & FinalDell & FinalDell & FinalDell & FinalDell & Final AssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssembly acilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in Facilities in compliance in F f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f Direct 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 55555555 00000000 66666666 00000000 77777777 00000000 1818181818181818 33333333 2121212121212121 DirDirDirDirDirDirDirectectectectectectect al oal oal oal oal oal oal oal o ooooooootttttttt Sub-tier 00000000 00000000 1919191919191919 33333333 Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-tiertiertiertiertiertiertier 00000000 11111111 00000000 1313131313131313 11111111 99999999 00000000 1111111111111111 00000000 00000000 3131313131313131 44444444 77777777 PP MMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM PPPPPP M PPPPPPPP MMMMMMMM Health and saHealth and saHealth and saHealth and saHealth and saHealth and saHealth and saHealth and saffffffffeeeeeeeety ty ty ty ty ty ty ty PhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhysically ysically ysically ysically ysically ysically ysically ysically Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine FFFFFFFFood,ood,ood,ood,ood,ood,ood,ood, sanit sanit sanit sanit sanit sanit sanit sanitaaaaaaaation tion tion tion tion tion tion tion OccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupational injury tional injury tional injury tional injury tional injury tional injury tional injury tional injury Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial OccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupaOccupationaltionaltionaltionaltionaltionaltionaltional EmerEmerEmerEmerEmerEmerEmerEmergencgencgencgencgencgencgencgency y y y y y y y communicacommunicacommunicacommunicacommunicacommunicacommunicacommunicationtiontiontiontiontiontiontion demanding wdemanding wdemanding wdemanding wdemanding wdemanding wdemanding wdemanding workorkorkorkorkorkorkork sasasasasasasasaffffffffeguareguareguareguareguareguareguareguardingdingdingdingdingdingdingding and housingand housingand housingand housingand housingand housingand housingand housing and illness prand illness prand illness prand illness prand illness prand illness prand illness prand illness preeeeeeeevvvvvvvvenenenenenenenentiontiontiontiontiontiontiontion hhhhhhhhyyyyyyyygienegienegienegienegienegienegienegiene ssssssssafafafafafafafafetetetetetetetetyyyyyyyy prprprprprprprprepareparepareparepareparepareparednessednessednessednessednessednessednessedness * In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal year basis, unless otherwise noted. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 134