Endnotes 1 As of Jan. 28, 2022. participant, the number of nonprofit partners supported through our Tech Pro Bono programs in FY21 was 65. With this 2 Baseline used for comparisons is Dell Latitude 7300 Anniversary Edition. adjustment, the cumulative total in FY21 was 76 and in FY22 is 222 nonprofits supported on their digital transformation journeys to date. 3 Business recovery from pandemics through the year and increase in Producer Responsibility have supported growth of 19 The number of nonprofits reached in FY21 was previously overrreported by one. After accounting for a repeat workshop collections that we continued to support by strengthening our strategic partnerships and by driving our return programs. participant, the number of nonprofit partners supported through our Tech Pro Bono programs in FY21 was 65. With this 4 This metric only applies to known Dell customer packaging programs. Recyclability/compostability of packaging materials adjustment, the cumulative total in FY21 was 76 and in FY22 is 222 nonprofits supported on their digital transformation is not measured as part of this goal. The FY20 baseline was extrapolated from calendar year data. journeys to date. 5 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. 20 The end date of our 2030 plan is Jan. 31, 2031. 6 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. 21 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. 7 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect an adjustment in methodology. Suppliers’ emissions numbers have been 22 Our restated baseline for direct supplier emissions is 43.7 MTCO2e per $MM. Our original baseline for direct supplier extrapolated to cover 100% of spend. emissions was reported as 47.1 MTCO2e per $MM. 8 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect an improvement in the methodology used to calculate our scope 3 category 23 Our restated results for FY21 show an increase of .14% in direct supplier GHG emissions. We originally reported a decrease 11 emissions. of 7.7%. 9 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. 24 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 10 FY20 has been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. FY21 was year basis, unless otherwise noted. unaffected by these changes. 25 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 11 Our restated baseline for direct supplier emissions is 43.7 MTCO e per $MM. Our original baseline for direct supplier year basis, unless otherwise noted. 2 emissions was reported as 47.1 MTCO e per $MM. 26 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 2 12 Our restated results for FY21 show an increase of .14% in direct supplier GHG emissions. We originally reported a decrease year basis, unless otherwise noted. of 7.7%. 27 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 13 We have previously reported data on plastic waste from manufacturing facilities, which do not contribute to this goal. Data year basis, unless otherwise noted. on manufacturing waste is included in the By-the-Numbers section of the report. 28 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 14 Percent favorable is calculated using the percentage of respondents who select 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale. Employees hired year basis, unless otherwise noted. at least four weeks before the survey launch are invited to participate (excluding interns and contingent labor). 29 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 15 Percent favorable is calculated using the percentage of respondents who select 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale. Employees hired year basis, unless otherwise noted. at least four weeks before the survey launch are invited to participate (excluding interns and contingent labor). 30 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 16 Due to the vast geographical spread of data and limited capacity of partners to verify data at the granularity of each year basis, unless otherwise noted. beneficiary, our direct and indirect impact metrics are not a unique representation of lives impacted. Going forward we will 31 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal be tracking unique representation for our direct impact. Indirect impact will still remain as a metric that will not be tracked year basis, unless otherwise noted. uniquely due to the nature of the community outreach, and this is in line with common measurement and evaluation 32 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal practices across the industry. year basis, unless otherwise noted. 17 “Girls” and “women” are individuals who self-identify as female. The term underrepresented includes but is not limited to 33 Economist Intelligence Unit has rebranded since this study and is now known as Economist Impact. the following groups: girls or women, racial/ethnic minorities, beneficiaries requiring an accommodation (mental, physical, sensory, cognitive and neurodiverse disability), LGBTQIA+ persons, low socioeconomic groups. 34 Baseline used for comparisons is Dell Latitude 7300 Anniversary Edition. 18 The number of nonprofits reached in FY21 was previously overrreported by one. After accounting for a repeat workshop 35 The main board is also 17% smaller than Intel’s AEP design (their most aggressive/smallest ADL–M implementation). INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 157

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