ENDNOTES 36 Based on internal analysis, April 2021. The OptiPlex 7090 Tower and 7090 Small Form Factor use 20% closed-loop disposal. For FY22, 265 of our suppliers reported PRTR. recycled aluminum by weight in the optional 2TB 3.5” hard drive. Aluminum sourced from our recycling programs. 55 Per unit revenue is a financial allocation method using supplier-reported emissions data. 37 21% tall oil. 56 Definition from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. 38 Up to 46% castor oil. 57 Definition is based on the World Resources Institute definition for areas of medium-high water stress or higher. 39 Laptop lid – 71% recycled and renewable materials including bio-based plastics (21%), recycled carbon fiber (20%) and 58 Diverse spend certificates are validated on an annual basis. post-consumer recycled plastic (30%). 40 Excludes optional items added to order and included in box. 59 This number represents the amount our suppliers spent with diverse suppliers for the period Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021. 41 Sources: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/talent/neurodiversity-in-the-workplace.html // https:// 60 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% medium.com/artfullyautistic/stop-selling-autistic-strengths-as-superpowers-to-employers-335e19dd2e4c compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. 42 Source: https://time.com/nextadvisor/in-the-news/women-in-the-workplace-career-break/ 61 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% 43 Sources: https://socialimpact.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/linkedinforgood/en-us/resources/veterans/LinkedIn- compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. Veteran-Opportunity-Report.pdf // https://ivmf.syracuse.edu/article/the-business-case-for-hiring-a-veteran-beyond- 62 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% the-cliches/ compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. 44 Dell Technologies is committed to responsible business practices and ethical behavior. This includes holding our suppliers 63 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% to the same high standards of excellence to which we adhere, as set forth in the Dell Code of Conduct, and as articulated compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. in governing laws and regulations, recognized international standards and conventions, and global best practices. 45 Known to be in Dell Technologies’ supply chain. These include second tier, third tier and beyond. 64 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. 46 In previous years, Dell reported supply chain metrics on an annual basis. Going forward these will be reported on a fiscal 65 Factory compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. This accounts for instances of 100% year basis, unless otherwise noted. compliance when the number of findings is greater than zero. 47 An audit cycle includes an initial audit and closure audits to confirm that findings from an initial audit have been addressed. 66 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. This improvement is based in factories that improved their initial audit scores between cycles, which is an indicator of long-term improvement. 67 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect structural changes associated with divestitures and outsourcing since FY20. 48 Additional corrective action toolkits are as follows: Emergency preparedness and response procedures; Ethics 68 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect an adjustment in methodology. Suppliers’ emissions numbers have been documentation system guidance; Labor and ethics risks (including forced labor); Personal protective equipment selection extrapolated to cover 100% of spend. and use management; Worker protections for pregnant women and nursing mothers; Chemicals management; Ergonomic 69 We calculated our baseline for this metric after our FY20 Progress Made Real Report was published in July 2020. We management; Environment health and safety permit management; Storm water management; and Energy efficiency and expect to restate these numbers in the future as our calculation methodology and data collection mature. For scope 3, greenhouse gas emissions reduction. category 4 emissions, Dell uses the GLEC framework and well-to-wheel emissions factors. 49 Cumulative represents the calculated closure rates for findings as of Jan. 31, 2021. 70 FY20 and FY21 have been restated to reflect an improvement in the methodology used to calculate our scope 3 category 50 Cumulative represents the calculated closure rates for findings as of Jan. 31, 2021. 11 emissions. 51 The COVID-19 pandemic limited our ability to engage directly with our suppliers on energy reduction projects in 2020. 71 “Workforce” is defined as Dell Technologies badged employees, including regular, full–time, part–time, intern and fixed– 52 Diverse spend certificates are validated on an annual basis. term status. United States specific metrics are inclusive of Puerto Rico. “Nontechnical” decribes job families such as in Human Resources, Finance, Legal, etc. “Technical” describes job families such as Information Technology, Engineering, 53 According to data collected through the Responsible Business Alliance Validated Assessment Program and reported in the Data Science, Cybersecurity, etc. RBA 2020 Annual Report, page 51. 72 “Workforce” is defined as Dell Technologies badged employees, including regular, full–time, part–time, intern and fixed– 54 Efforts in this area include encouraging suppliers to report data to a pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR), which term status. United States specific metrics are inclusive of Puerto Rico. “Nontechnical” decribes job families such as in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development considers a tool for governments to provide data to the Human Resources, Finance, Legal, etc. “Technical” describes job families such as Information Technology, Engineering, public regarding the amount of chemicals and pollutants released to air, water and soil transferred off-site for treatment or Data Science, Cybersecurity, etc. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 158