COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS Employees suppliers to comply with the RBA code and other requirements set out in our Dell Expectations to comply with laws and ethical Supplier Principles. business practices, including acting with integrity Our global commitment to respecting human and respecting the fundamental human rights rights extends to the responsible sourcing of of others are embedded in Dell Technologies’ materials used in our products and is underscored culture and policies and clearly set out in the in the Dell Responsible Sourcing Policy. We Dell Technologies Code of Conduct. Dell team are also involved in building an industry-wide members are required to complete annual Code of approach to responsible sourcing of minerals Conduct training and adhere to our code and the through groups like the Responsible Minerals policies, including the Dell Human Rights Policy Initiative. Comprehensive insights and FY22 and standards that flow from it. progress on human rights due diligence and other For FY22 updates and additional insights on our action we undertake to assess and address actual team member commitments and expectations, or potential risks, and advance positive outcomes refer to the Upholding Ethics & Privacy section of for people in our supply chain are featured in the this report. Supply Chain Sustainability section of this report. Business partners Public policy advocacy We also expect our business partners to maintain We see an opportunity to help drive lasting, a culture that embraces diversity, equity and positive change by helping to shape public policies inclusion and respects cultural differences, while that support and promote the full realization operating at the highest level of integrity and of fundamental human rights for all people. accountability. These expectations are clearly Our team works with various governmental defined in the Dell Technologies Code of Conduct bodies and engages with policymakers and for Partners. elected representatives to discuss issues that disproportionately impact underrepresented Supply chain groups, such as the digital divide. Our public policy advocacy efforts also focus on how technology Dell is a founding member of the Responsible can be leveraged to address economic injustices, Business Alliance (RBA), which embeds racial bias, health inequities and workforce requirements to uphold and ensure respect for readiness. For FY22 updates related to Dell’s human rights in the RBA Code of Conduct. Dell Government Affairs and Human Rights, refer to adheres to these standards and also expects its the advocacy section of this report. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 22

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