REDUCING OUR SUPPLY CHAIN’S IMPACT ON THE PLANET Working with stakeholders to In FY22, 207 of our supplier factories Freshwater saved in FY22 support water stewardship implemented water management plans. Through this work, these suppliers saved 40.9 million cubic Water stewardship — the responsible planning meters of fresh water and reduced the amount 40.9 and management of resources56 — is vital to of wastewater they discharged by 37.1 million million meters3 a sustainable future. In addition to water use cubic meters. considerations around the manufacturing of our In addition to considering our own supply chain’s products, a number of our suppliers operate in water use, we recognize the importance of areas of water stress. understanding shared risk and engaging with Dell partners with suppliers in China who have stakeholders across the full catchment area. Water discharge reduced water-intensive processes or operate factories Reflective of this, factory water risk mitigation located in water-stressed areas where at least plans include engagement with stakeholders, such 20% of renewable surface and groundwater is as municipal water providers, local community 37.1m withdrawn annually and is insufficient to meet members and wastewater treatment plants. 40 - 57 a region’s needs. For the past seven years, 3s we have worked closely with these suppliers er 30 - to analyze their water use, offer training, and t develop and implement water management plans to achieve reductions in water use and 20 - wastewater discharge. million me 10 - FY22 INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 128

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