BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN OUR SUPPLY CHAIN Taking action to address weekly Consistently meeting this standard is an ongoing working hours challenges challenge across manufacturing and is affected by a number of factors, including but not limited Dell adheres to the social and environmental to fluctuations in customer demand, workers’ standards required through the Responsible earning potential, transportation issues and Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct. The unexpected issues, such as the pandemic and RBA Code of Conduct limits factory line workers recent global supply chain issues. to a maximum of 60 working hours per week In FY22, individuals and organizations around the or the limit stipulated by local law (whichever world continued to face numerous uncertainties is stricter) and requires that employees and and disruptions; our suppliers were no exception. contractors have one rest day per week. For example, COVID-19 travel restrictions made Breaches of working hours limits are the most it more difficult for suppliers to meet labor common audit findings among supplier factories requirements for production demand. Weekly working hours compliance, FY22 53 in our industry. Although overtime is voluntary, As a result, we continued to see a decline in excessive working hours impact work-life balance, suppliers meeting the standard for weekly and in some cases, increase health and safety working hours. In FY22, our tracking covered risks. As such, this is an important area of focus 214,919 workers at 119 supplier factories. The vast 214,919 86.6% for us, and we are committed to working with our majority of these workers — nearly 86.6% — employees of workers met the suppliers to improve overall compliance with the worked 60 hours per week or less, compared with 60-hours-or-less-per-week industry standard. 91.0% in 2019 and 89.0% in 2020. Additionally, workers were monitored at 119 standard Our strategy with suppliers includes the just over 79.0% of these workers took at least supplier factories following actions: one rest day per week in FY22. • Weekly monitoring of factories with known Days of rest compliance, FY22 risks of nonconformance based on past audit performance. This provides an early indicator of potential deviation from the standard. • Collaboration to address identified risks 79% of nonconformance and provide support in of workers monitored took at least one rest day per week balancing orders based on supplier labor capacity. • Capability building to provide suppliers with knowledge and tools to improve working hours performance through management systems. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 118 FY22 ESG REPORT

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