CHAMPIONING PEOPLE GOALS Each year through 2030, we will deliver PERFORMANCE TO DATE* future-ready skills development for CY19 26 12,723 workers in our supply chain CY2027 6,592 FY22 13,045 Through our global supply chain, thousands of people work to bring Dell’s products and services to life. 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 Delivering meaningful work, developing new skills and progressing in their careers are critical to their Total number of future-ready skills training hours at success. We are working to identify critical skills for the future, provide team members with the skills and in-house manufacturing locations training they need to unlock opportunities and advance their careers, and support our suppliers’ efforts to do the same. To offer skills development at scale, in FY22 we implemented additional innovative solutions for both online learning and in-person training opportunities. CY2028 99,271 RECENT HIGHLIGHTS FY22 144,658 Developing communication and Future-ready skills pilot 0 30,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 digital skills program Total number of future-ready skills training hours Supported the growth of our in-house Developed and successfully implemented a in supply chain manufacturing teams by implementing future- future-ready skills pilot with two key suppliers. ready training focused on addressing personal Dell collaborated with these suppliers and interpersonal effectiveness, such as to benchmark their existing training and communication and having a growth mindset, as development programs against Dell and industry well as cognitive skill topics, such as decision- standards, created a frontline worker talent making, critical thinking, creativity and innovation. development road map strategy, built customized With digital skills foundational to business, we also training tool kits, shared best practices and focused on training and developing confidence in monitored progress. Going forward, we aim this key area. to promote supplier-led future-ready skills development programs across our supply chain. *Please see our 2030 Goals Dashboard for more on the progress, scope and measurement of this goal. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 59 FY22 ESG REPORT

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