REPRESENTATION CULTIVATING INCLUSION GOAL Empowering Rejoining the workforce Dell’s Career ReStart Returnship Program By 2030, 50% of our global gave her that chance. This 16-week program workforce and 40% of our Sandra Norris had a 20-year career in program matches candidates with roles that build on women in the and project management with Fortune 500 their core talents, training for new skills as global people leaders will clients before stepping away to take care of her needed and mentors to support them at every be those who identify as workforce family and moving around Europe and the U.S. in step. Career ReStart helps fill the talent gap women support of her husband’s career. Seventeen years with more experienced team members whose later, Sandra’s world had changed. She was no fundamental skill sets make them invaluable Expanding our professional hiring programs longer married and taking care of young children. additions to their teams. PERFORMANCE TO DATE* is imperative to reaching our moonshot Wanting more for herself, Sandra decided to goals. We have the Career ReStart rejoin the workforce but struggled to find an organization that could see past her 17-year FY20 31.1% Returnship Program for people who have career gap. had a career gap, along with opportunities FY21 31.8% to refresh job skills and participate in FY22 33.9% structured onboarding. Though not limited to women, these programs recognize the 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% unique challenges women have historically Percentage of global workforce who identify faced as primary caregivers, as well as the as women impact of the recent pandemic on women in the workforce. FY20 24.4% FY21 25.8% FY22 28.2% “I knew if I could just get to the interview 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% stage, they would see my value.” Percentage of people leaders in global workforce who identify as women SANDRA NORRIS PROJECT MANAGER (NORTH AMERICA) * Please see our 2030 Goals Dashboard for more on the progress, scope and measurement of this goal. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX DELL TECHNOLOGIES 73 FY22 ESG REPORT