RECENT HIGHLIGHTS MetLife & London School of “Nonprofit organizations Hygiene & Tropical Medicine play a vital role in In late 2019, Dell participated in a volunteering building healthy, event hosted by MetLife. The event was resilient communities. MetLife’s “Opportunity Workshop,” which has since inspired our own Pro Bono Consulting Pairing skilled MetLife Workshop program. and Dell Technologies Since then, we have partnered with MetLife on volunteers with four more collaborative Pro Bono Consulting Workshops, including the first ever joint nonprofits in the U.S., international workshop in the United Kingdom U.K. and Ireland helped and Ireland. One of the organizations that was nominated drive innovation by one of Dell’s team members to participate in and solutions for the joint United Kingdom and Ireland workshop greater quality, reach was the Cancer Survival Group at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, a and impact.” university research group. During the workshop APRIL HAWKINS in December 2021, Dell and MetLife volunteers ASSISTANT VP, METLIFE CORPORATE developed a solution to help the Cancer Survival GIVING AND EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERISM Group process and analyze huge data volumes faster and more efficiently, as well as to improve cybersecurity and to enable users to access the results of the analyses online in flexible tables and dynamic graphics. From that workshop, the Cancer Survival Group and Dell will partner on a Pro Bono Project to help them implement those solutions. This project is a great example of how the Tech Pro Bono program is transforming lives and helping nonprofits digitally transform. INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 94