Advancing Sustainability Goals Goal Unit of Measure FY20 FY21 FY22 About Our Performance in FY22 We will reduce workplace plastic Metric tons of plastic waste in N/A N/A N/A Our goal focuses on reducing plastic and plastic foam waste from food service and other general workplace activities. With team waste by 90% our workplaces member presence at our workplaces impacted by the pandemic, any reduction reported would not reflect business-as-usual plastic consumption levels. As changes to where and how our team members work evolve, we will evaluate reporting on this or an alternative 13 metric in the future. Each year through 2030, we will Total hours of social and 41,733 61,124 61,587 In FY22, Dell provided 61,587 hours of social and environmental training to supply chain team members. This represents an 0.8% show continued commitments environmental responsibility increase over the prior reporting period and a 47.6% increase since we began tracking this metric. We attribute our progress to to provide healthy work training provided to the people in improved communication. Dell’s global supply chain environments where people can thrive Each year through 2030, we Total number of future-ready 12,723 6,592 13,045 In FY22, Dell-badged team members completed 13,045 hours of future-ready skills training at our in-house factories. This represents will deliver future-ready skills skills training hours at in-house (CY19) (CY20) a 97.9% increase over our previous reporting period and a 2.5% increase since we first began tracking this metric. We attribute development for workers in our manufacturing locations this increase to growth in both virtual and in-person training methodologies and expansion in reach and impact of our training skills development opportunities. supply chain Total number of future-ready skills N/A 99,271 144,658 In FY22, Dell recorded 144,658 future-ready skills training hours through our pilot program with two suppliers. This represents a 45.7% training hours in supply chain (CY20 increase over the prior period. We attribute this increase to better engagement with our supplier partners. Baseline) INTRO OUR PLAN GOALS DASHBOARD ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CULTIVATING INCLUSION TRANSFORMING LIVES ETHICS & PRIVACY SUPPLY CHAIN BY THE NUMBERS APPENDIX 29
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