Materiality To ensure our focus for our social impact work is clear, we conducted a thorough analysis in 2018–2019 of our material issues in conjunction with consulting firm SustainAbility, beginning with a review of external corporate sustainability and philanthropy frameworks and trends, benchmarking our peers and analyzing customers’ Requests for Proposal (RFPs) to identify trends in topics they care about. We also gathered insight from a diverse set of internal and external stakeholders including senior executives across Dell Technologies, suppliers, customers representing different sectors, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and thought leaders. Additionally, we surveyed Dell Technologies employees. This helped us generate a list of key issues, which we prioritized based on three criteria: Material issues • Societal and environmental impact: Our potential for making a significant impact on the issue • Business impact: An issue’s potential for significant impact on Dell Technologies Human Rights Access to Technology • Degree of influence: The scale of our potential impact on the issue Business Ethics IT for Good Through this process, we identified the material issues that not only have short-term implications on society and our business , but also affect the global outcomes we are striving to attain by 2030. Ultimately, this process informed our definition of our 2030 goals, outlined in this plan. These issues and our 2030 goals have been reviewed by the Dell Data Privacy & Security Product Stewardship Technologies executive leadership team and align with our social impact and business strategies. Diversity & Inclusion STEM Education Since our materiality assessment in 2019, we have continued to move toward more robust environmental, social and go vernance (ESG ) reporting. In early 2021, we conducted a refresh of our materiality assessment to capture Labor Engagement & Development Sustainable Consumption the changing circumstances of the previous year and to adopt a more dynamic approach to ESG materiality as an organization. This materiality refresh helps to ensure that we have the right level of focus on our stakeholders’ top priorities where we can have the biggest impact. As a result, some new topics came to light, and existing topics may Energy & Climate Change Water have shifted in position. For more information, visit our Materiality web page. OUR SOCIAL IMPACT PLAN FOR 2030 / 6

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