Letter from Our Leadership At Dell Technologies, we are optimists dedicated to solving some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. We issued Progress Made Real — Our Vision for 2030 in June 2019, outlining customers, employees and suppliers, shareholders, communities, and the our mission to unite our technology, our people, our customers and our planet — transparently and honestly. partners for actionable results today, with a vision to create the best and brightest future. We know the world is facing challenges today that are complicated, multilayered and can sometimes seem insurmountable. The status quo will With this plan, we complete the view. Our Social Impact Plan for 2030 not get us to the kind of world we need in 2030. To drive real change, we establishes our social impact goals, including several ambitious “moonshots,” need to bring new thinking, new solutions, new collaborations and new voices designed to turn our vision into reality. together. This pursuit is core to our business. And as such, it’s important for us to do more than talk about the world we want to see. These goals are an extension of our purpose as a company: to create technologies that drive human progress. They also reflect our recent It’s time to make progress real. commitment to the Business Roundtable’s revised statement of the purpose of a corporation. This breakthrough statement suggests that doing good in We hope you will join us in this pursuit. Visit delltechnologies.com/ the world is a key part of a corporation’s purpose — and a responsibility it can progressmadereal for practical ways we can work together, or contact us at better serve if it considers all stakeholders in its business decisions, including [email protected]. Christine Fraser Michael McLaughlin Brian Reaves Chief Responsibility Officer Chief Ethics and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Dell Technologies Compliance Officer Dell Technologies Dell Technologies OUR SOCIAL IMPACT PLAN FOR 2030 / 4

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